We moved!
Dock 6 Pottery Classroom and Gallery is now located in St Anthony since the end of August 2022.
New Location Address: 2701 39th Ave NE Suite 112 ST ANTHONY, MN 55421 (SILVER LAKE VILLAGE )
Phone: (763) 349-5791

Open Studio Membership

(3 Month Open Studio Rental)
Are you looking to practice and improve your ceramics skills but don’t have a place to work?
Renting studio space at Dock 6 is a great way to start your new hobby!
Membership at Dock 6 includes…
15% discount on all Dock 6 Classes.
Everyday access to our studio during open hours for 3 months.
Access to have your work fired in our classroom kiln firings: Bisque firing to cone 04 and glaze firing to cone 6.
Access to a variety of Dock 6 glazes, slab roller and tools.
A full (48" × 18") shelf to store your works-in-progress.
A great community of clay enthusiasts in a cozy studio space.
Priority to renew membership for up to 1 full year, after 12 months the members will be asked to forfeit their space if there is a wait list.
**Before signing up for our membership please view the requirements for eligibility.**
ALL applicants must have completed two or more of our 3 week or 6 week pottery classes at Dock 6 Pottery before submission of application. 1 Day classes such as, Clay Date, Wine Night and HB workshop, do not count towards eligibility.
Intro- Beginner level looking to practice and improve but not to sell. Dock 6 Pottery is not responsible for any damaged or lost items.
Ability to work well in group settings. We do not have private studio spaces.
All members must clean after themselves and be mindful of all other members in the building.
Full shelf: $435 for 3 months
pricing includes access to firings and a variety of cone 6 glazes